[ Monday, December 30, 2024 ]


Recent OCR Enforcement Actions:  I've been pretty lazy on the blogging front lately, and let a bunch of items stack up, particularly noting the various enforcement actions of OCR.  Now that it's end of year and I'm clearing out some old emails, let me post to a few.

First, OCR continues to make hay with relatively small fines against covered entities that fail to quickly and fully provide access to patients who ask for their PHI.  Why do they fail or delay?  Sometimes confusion, sometimes bad bureaucracy, but often it's because they want to punish a patient for failing to pay or finding another provider.  Those are bad reasons, and if you do so, you should be punished.  And why are the fines small?  It's usually not a systemic problem (the way a breach shows that a covered entity has overall poor HIPAA hygiene), and it often also involves smaller covered entities who don't have the financial wherewithal to pay 6-figure settlements.

Other settlements involve the big issues: breaches, ransomware, overall HIPAA failures.  

Anyway, here are some recent ones.

Jeff [3:31 PM]

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